Why I want to create Music

Nabeegh Ahmed
3 min readOct 4, 2020

“ah, that takes me back years and at the same time, feeling it’s now. Such a feeling of hope, yes!”

commented June Ahern under a Youtube video of Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles. This and many more countless comments that you can find under music videos have one thing in common. They all show the connection between Humans and Music. From the first music instrument dating back to nearly 40,000 years to this date, music has helped humans to express their emotions of joy and sorrow alike. We connect to songs that were written by someone that we will probably never personally meet. This connection is what excites me about music. I occasionally read the comments under YouTube videos and see people expressing their emotions and talking about how a certain song has helped them in difficult times.

My love for music started at a very early age. My father is a big fan of old Indian and Pakistani Songs. From there I gradually started exploring different genres of Music. Now 18 years old, I listen to every style of music. From The Beatles to Eminem and from The Queen to John Mayer and Indian music, I admire all music. I recently started learning Guitar. Although I have been learning about Music every now and then, my Guitar was my proper introduction to music. I learned music theory (yes I actually did) and learned some music software. I would say I am close to or am an Intermediate Guitarist. I have some songs but they are not quite what I would put in the category of “Daily Listening”. I am working on new music with some fellow songwriters and plan to release new songs soon.

But this article isn’t about what kind of music I am about to put out (if I even do). It is about Why I want to make songs. I always wanted to make songs and there was some motivation because of the lavish lifestyle of celebrities. It is to this day somewhat alive at the darkest corner of my mind. The moment when I knew exactly Why I want to create music came when I was watching the music video of Hey Jude (live) by The Beatles. In that video, the audience comes running and joins the band standing alongside them and singing the popular Hey Jude vocables (the NA NA’s). All of them were singing that and I suddenly went into a mental state where I thought if this was my song, and I would see everyone happy and singing my song, It would mean the world to me. That exact moment was when I knew I wanted to create music. I wanted to connect with people. Now the motivation that I had because of the celebrity lifestyle really faded away. Now I want to make music because I want to say something. I want to connect with those who want to say similar things. So, wish me luck and thank you for reading this.

